Become a Hoos Connected Facilitator
Our facilitators are what make this program work. That's because they are well-trained, and they really care! We love working with new students each semester. If you're interested in becoming a Hoos Connected facilitator, here are some details:
Facilitators make a minimum two-semester commitment to Hoos Connected. The first semester, you complete a 3-credit, graded training course (PSYC 3990). The second semester, you co-facilitate a real Hoos Connected group for 2 graded credits and participate in weekly group supervision with other facilitators (PSYC 3991). There is also the option to facilitate 2 groups for 3 graded credits, which we highly recommend! We love it when our facilitators stick around for multiple semesters too! You can get graded credit for PSYC 3991 multiple semesters as you continue to grow as a facilitator role and become a pro.
Facilitators gain the following skills and benefits:
- Fulfills the Research methods requirement for psychology majors
- Become part of a supportive team of fellow facilitators and program leaders
- Regardless of your major, facilitators learn valuable skills in leadership and group management
Course Info: PSYC 3990: Group Process and Facilitation I
- Number of credits: Two-semester series – three graded credits in the 1st semester and two or three graded credits in the 2nd semester
- Instructor: Program Director, Dr. Alison Nagel ([email protected])
- Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00-3:15 pm
- Total number of slots: 35
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Hoos Connected facilitator! Applications for the Fall 2024 semester are now closed. Please check back here in October for updates about applying for the Spring 2025 semester.